365 DAYS
日本 正規販売代理
Modular Sofa Collection
Modular chairs + chaise lounger
Flash Coffee tables
Dream Service table
Zeta Service Table
- FLASH Modular Sofa, Flash Coffee Table, Zeta Service Table, Dream Service Table, Raffaello Carpet Sand
- FABRICS Seat and Backrest Cushions Cat. C Erfoud 7915, Deco cushions in Cat. C Erfoud 7915 and Erfoud 8715
FLASH コレクションは、熱可塑性アクリルテフロン繊維の手編みロープが特徴のモジュラーソファで、耐水性がありお手入れが簡単です。この素材はソフトな魅力があり織物のように洗練されています。また紫外線に強く、乾きが早いという特徴もあります。仕上げ色は、アイボリーホワイトとメランジグレーで、砂色のフィラメントを使用しています。テーブルトップは、天然アンスラサイトグレーの石のような質感が特徴です
Flash set
FLASH is a modular sofa characterized by hand-woven ropesin thermoplastic acrylic Teflon fiber, water-resistant, and easy to clean. The material has a soft appeal and is refined like textile weaves.It is characterized by its resistance to UV rays and to its drying speed. The finishes colors are ivory white and mélange gray, with sandy-colored filaments. The table tops are characterized by a textured natural anthracite gray stone effect
Modular chairs + chaise lounger
FLASH Coffee table
FRISBEE Service Table
PANAREA Service table
- LAGUNA Module 25-30-26, Flash Coffee Table, Panarea Service Table, Frisbee Service Table, Raffaello Safari Carpet
- FABRICS Seat and Backrest cushions in Cat. C 10215, Deco Cushions 50x50 Cat. B Fortuny F04 2/1-Cat. C Nat 10065 Carbon Beige, 35x45 Nat 10065 Carbon Beige-Cat. C Nat 10021 Canvasヴェネチアの街とラグーンへのオマージュ。潮の満ち引きによって数時間のうちに表情を変える風景、さまざまな動物や植物が共存する生態系。ムラーノ島、ブラーノ島、トルチェッロ島、ペレストリーナ島、その他数百の小島が砂漠の中のオアシスとして出現する環境です。ラグーナは、このようなパーソナライゼーションと空間構成の必要性から生まれました。非常に汎用性の高いモジュール式シーティングシステムで、全く異なる個性を持つ空間や建築に対応できるよう、アーティスティックな展開から設計されています。
Laguna set
LAGUNA - A tribute to the city of Venice and its lagoon: a landscape that changes appearance within a few hours, following the trend of tides, an ecosystem in which different animals and plants coexist. An environment in which the evocative islands of Murano, Burano, Torcello, Pellestrina and hundreds of other islets emerge as oasis in the desert. Laguna is born from this need for personalization and organization of spaces. An extremely versatile modular seating system, designed from an articulated development to meet spaces and architectures with very different characters..
LOTO set
Modular chairs + chaise lounger
Dream Service table
PANAREA Service table
- LOTO Left Module, Loto Central Module, Loto Right Module, Panarea Service Table, Ponente Pouf, Dream Service Table, Michelangelo Carpet Sand, Switch Lantern L
- FABRICS: Seat cushions Cat. C Erfoud 10215, Backrest Cushions Cat. C Spugna 20, Deco cushions 50x50 Cat. C Batavia 102, 40x40 Cat. C Spiga 24 PONENTE: Fabric Cat. C Spugna 20, Rope Sand
Loto set
Winner of the 2023 German Design Award. Category Excellent Product Design – Furniture
A solid, powder-coated aluminum frame is coupled with acrylic rope, hand-weaved and weather-resistant. The soft and refined appeal of the materials is combined with the sinuous and delicate shapes of the Loto modular sofa, giving the room a special and unique touch. The seat and back cushions are made with a specially designed padding system, which allows water to drain away and air to penetrate, maintaining volume over time, and improving cushioning comfort.
Modular chairs + chaise lounger
Coffee table
Service Table
PANAREA Service table
- SWITCH Modular Sofa, Panarea Service Table, Switch Service Table, Switch Coffee Table, Switch Divider, Talk Table Lamp, Raffaello Carpet Sand
- FABRICS Seat and backrest cushions Cat. C 92693, Deco Cushions 50x50 Cat. B Casanova 1836 Col. 09, 40x40 Cat. C Spiga 24, 35x45 Cat. C Uyuni J369
SWITCH - インスピレーションは最も単純なものを眺める時に生まれてくる。薄いアルミニウムシートは白やグラファイトのネット状のテクスチャへとなって進化、SWITCHコレクションは複数のモジュールによって最適に空間を構成することができます
Inspiration grows to look at simple things.
A white aluminum plate with a white architectural texture where makes up a wide range of modules and creates the most suitable composition.The main characters of this collection are modular sofas, servant tables tied to the environment, lounges, and good lights.
SOFT set
Modular chairs + Pouf
CYCLE Coffee table
VERTIGO Floor Lamp
HOLD Throw
Raffaello Rug
- SOFT Modular Sofa, Soft pouf 60x60, Cycle Coffee Table, Vertigo Lamp, Plaid .21, Raffaello Carpet Sand,
- FABRICS Seat and Backrest Cushions Cat. C Ash COL.08 piping Cat. C Ash COL. 20 Seat and Backrest Cushions Cat. C Ash COL. 20 piping Cat. C Ash COL.08 Deco cushions Cat. C Spiga 79, Cat.C Kasimiro 81, Cat. C Marq J383 Shamal
Soft set
Modular composition made up of breathable polystyrene microspheres coated with breathable technical fabric.Washable and removable woven upholstery, to choose from Atmosphera catalog. Bottom is made of anti-slip rubber fabric. Soft is synonymous of color, carefreeness, and comfort.A modular sofa composed of microspheres in polystyrene closed in a lining of draining fabric to guarantee a quick dry and to give the product soft and perfect ergonomics.
9.ZERO set
Modular chairs + chaise lounger
Coffee tables
Service Table
- 9. ZERO Modular Sofa, 9. Zero Coffee Table.170, Panarea Service Table, Raffaello Carpet Graphite
- FABRICS Seat and backrest cushions Cat. C Erfoud 10215, Deco cushions 50x50 Cat. B Minorca.02, 40x40 Cat. C Nat 10065 Carbon Beige and Cat. B Fortuny 378 Col. 85/1, 35x45 Cat.B Ponza .02
9. Zero は9つの基本モジュールシステムにより、機能的かつ様々なニーズを実現可能にします。 フレームはオイル加工されたインドネシアのチーク材を使用し、9インチずつのスノコ板で構成されている。クッションパッドは乾きの早いドライフォーム構造となっており、すべてメンテナンスが容易なアウトドアコレクションの生地でカバーリングされている。
9. Zero
9. zero is a modular seating system. The easy-to-build material of these 9 basic modules allows the realization of a large number of compositions to meet the various requirements of space and functionality. The structures are made up of nine slats, nine inches each, in sanded and oiled Indonesian teak wood. The padding is made of quick dry foam all covered with fabrics from Atmosphera outdoor collection